Bad Girl Titties

You know she’s a bad girl. It says so, right on her tits!

woman with bad girl written on her breasts

Big Street Titties

big titties on the street

Titty Bling

pierced nipples with heavy-gauge rings, nipple shields, and a gold nipple chain

Tightly Clamped Nipples

Pretty breasts, but her nipples appear to be having a bad day:

wooden skewers and small rubber bands painfully clamping her tits

Via Kinky Delight.

Properly Punished Titties

I don’t know what she did, but she doesn’t look as sorry as you would expect given the bruised state of her tits:

woman calmly displays old spanking bruises on her breasts

From the Slutty Contessa tumblr, which isn’t there any more.